Sports Rehabilitation Therapy – Soft Tissue Release ( STR) is a unique injury treatment technique for soft tissue dsyfunction that can provide relief from chronic and/or acute pain in as little as one session. At the heart of STR is a specific compression and precise extension. This coordinated movement is administered in a systematic manner resulting in a profound opening effect on all micro trauma and scar tissue. Muscle memory is engaged and relief from pain starts immediately.
Who needs STR?
- Chronic low back pain: including Piriformis Syndrome and the referred problems of Quadratus Lumborum – the two most overlooked, insidious perpetrators of low back pain
- Whiplash injuries: including Levator Scapular, Scalenes, and SCM, pain “between the shoulder blades”, and repetitive use problems involving Rhomboids, mid and upper traps
- Sports injuries: including plantar fascitis, heel pain, shin splints, knee pain, hamstring, quad, and IT band problems, and adductor and groin injuries – carpal tunnel pain and other repetitive use injuries such as tennis elbow, rotator cuff, and frozen shoulder problems
- Fibromyalgia and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Along with STR therapy, motivated clients are given homework to do, i.e., Active Isolated Stretching (AIS). Assuredly, soreness, swelling, and pain relate to a loss of tissue movement. So that the muscles, fascia (connective tissue), and joints need to maintain maximum movement to help prevent postural changes, disease, and injury. A decrease in flexibility normally accompanies aging and is caused by a failure to maintain movement through a complete range of motion. The primary determinants of flexibility are the fascia and musculature surrounding a specific joint. If the muscles and tendons are required to elongate on a regular basis, the joint will maintain a normal level of flexibility.
AIS is recommended to willing clients (when the client wants to begin learning them). AIS focuses on specific muscles in the body that exist in a state of contraction. Immediately and over time the client is able to bring contracted muscles to a state of resting length, thus increasing circulation to and rejuvination of cells and tissues that once had done nothing but register pain and discomfort.