About Robert

Photo of Robert JordanRobert is an I-ACT (International Association Of Colon Hydrotherapy) certified colon hydrotherapist. He trained at the Maui School of Colon Hydrotherapy in Hawaii with Dr. Russell and Mrs. Cherie Kolbo. Russell is a chiropractor and a naturopath; Cherie is an educator with a Masters of Arts degree in Education. Both are colon hydrotherapists.

He is also a Colonic Hygiene Instructor, certified by the St. John’s Academy of Natural Healing and Sciences, and is working on his certification to become an I-ACT colon hydrotherapy instructor.

Robert is a Board Certified Massage Therapist, certified through the NCBTMB (National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork). And, he is licensed to practice massage therapy in the State of Maryland through the Board of Chiropractic and Massage Therapy Examiners, one of the many boards of the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

He specializes in lymphatic drainage therapy and sports rehabilitation therapy. He is a graduate of the Baltimore School of Massage with a concentration in Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, and Myofascial Release. He also holds certifications in Myokenesthetic Therapy, STR (Soft Tissue Release) Therapy, the Doctor Vodder System of Manual Lymph Drainage and Combined Decongestive Therapy (MLD/CDT), the Light Beam Generator (LBG) therapy for tissue decongestion, the Aaron Mattes System of Active and/or Assisted Isolated Stretching (AIS) and Chakra Balancing. Finally, Robert is certified through the Indian Institute of Yoga, Patna, Bihar State, India in Therapeutic Yoga.

Robert has a Masters of Arts degree in Education and along with sharing his knowledge and expertise with his clients gives lectures on the lymphatic system and colon health. He holds workshops/classes in the tri-state area on Active Isolated Stretching, Yoga, Raw Food Vegan Vegetarian Menu Preparation, and Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juicing Therapy.

Of note, Robert is a member of Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities And Colleges and is a member of Kappa Delta Pi, an International Honor Society in Education. Robert maintains an office in Rockville, Maryland, focusing on Therapeutic Massage and Colon Hydrotherapy.

Robert’s training includes:

  • Colonic Hygiene Instructor, certified by the St. John’s Academy of Natural Healing and Sciences, 2013.
  • International Association Of Colon Hydrotherapy certification, 2002.
  • Certification in the Dr. Vodder Method of Manual Lymph Drainage and Combined Decongestive Therapy, 2001.
  • Active Isolated Stretching, Certificate in the Aaron Mattes Method, Pennsylvania Institute of Massage, 2001.
  • Lymphatic Therapy Detoxification, Certificate, 2001.
  • Soft Tissue Release Techniques, Certificate in the Stuart Taws System, British Sports Therapy, 2000.
  • Medical Massage Therapy, Continuing Education Course,
    Baltimore School of Massage, 1999.
  • Professional Massage Training Program,
    Baltimore School of Massage, 1997.
  • Certificate in Foot Reflexology, Institute for Integrated Therapies, 1996.
  • Yoga Therapy, Diploma, Indian Institute of Yoga, 1988.
  • Personal yoga practice since 1972.


  • International Association Of Colon Hydrotherapy, Member
  • National Association of Massage Therapists, Member
  • North American Vodder Association of Lymphatic Therapy, Member
  • National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
  • Ananda Marga Yoga Society, Member

Also, Robert has a Junior Black Belt in Hapmudo.  Hapmudo is a martial art that includes Hapkido, Tae Kwon Do, Tai Chi, Aikido, Jujitsu, Judo and Kung Fu.

Finally, Robert has recently been certified in Natural Wellness through the Healthcare Professional Studies Program, Clayton College of Natural Health, Highest Honors.